Saturday, April 10, 2010

Missing Chinatown

[caption id="attachment_48" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="bowery and grand // source: Bowery Boogie"]

Today, as part of the "March to the Mailbox" Census outreach day, I canvassed the streets of Boston's Chinatown. I stood outside a 'Ming's Supermarket,' passing out free t-shirts, hats, and information on the Census in Chinese. Of course this made me think of home.

I miss:

soy milk from bowery and grand

20 for a dollar mini cakes stand

sitting at Columbus till dusk

authentic bakery musk

walking up my five flights

sitting on my stoop at night

hot pot with white fish balls

nothing like my res hall

I spent so much time this week juggling the idea of not coming home all summer. And it may happen. I expect to be home for 5 days, after shanghai, beijing, and boston. oh man.

[caption id="attachment_51" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="getting jazzed up in census gear"][/caption]

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