Monday, April 26, 2010

oh right, i'm a student

diana (my fave fake harvard prefrosh) visits me after Tufts!

This past weekend was Prefrosh weekend-- a thousand? hs seniors came to check out what Harvard is all about. Last year at this time, I was a mopey student (ALL I was thinking about was how I could convince my parents to let me go to Stanford) Given that, my own Harvard prefrosh weekend was a hot mess. I didn't do much -- when I went to the Student Activities Fair, all the Harvard students told me to go to Stanford. wtf?! When I left, I took down my hosts names on a post-it, but lost that post-it before I got home....

One year later, I wanted to make prefrosh weekend reflect the utter awesomeness that Harvard is. (I never got around to trying to convince my parents to let me go to Stanford ... best decision ever? Lots of love for stunning Stanford though)

Saturday morning: stationed outside of the Admissions office for FIVE HOURS.  literally passing out little schedules of AAA events, chatting with prefrosh from all over the world. highlight of my weekend. Also took many "Taste the 'taffle" t-shirts for myself and my roommates.

After passing out flyers, I went shopping for a camera (I will be IN Shanghai in less than three weeks, ahhhh). Not sure if I have it in me to learn how to use a DSLR... I also got three skirts for five dollars each. I love that the sales come when the prefrosh come. I waited (many many months) for all the right reasons.

After some time for myself, I met up with my two "siblings" from New York for dinner in Annenberg. And so began my epic night leading prefrosh around. After leading a small group (wrongly) to Sanders for the A Capella Jam, I realized it was up at the SOCH. My group of 5 grew by the time we walked to the Quad, and after checking out the Jam, and the AAA party, and the "Coffeehouse," I led 10+ prefrosh to Adams. Too early for the High School Musical spoof in the Pool Theater, just chatted for an hour. The musical was fun, I love the theater and I think my prefrosh did too.

The next morning: brunch with prefrosh, CityStep picnic/reunion with my little dancers, STUDENT ACTIVITIES FAIR. That notorious fair that turned me away from Harvard last year.... This time I think we aced it. On behalf of CityStep, AAA, and the Institute of Politics, I chatted with tons of prefrosh met so many new people.

SAMANTHA POWER: Right after the Activities Fair, I walked to the IOP to usher for the advanced screening of the HBO documentary Sergio, the story of the late UN diplomat described as a "cross between James Bond and Bobby Kennedy." Both Samantha Power, amaaaazing journalist/human rights advocate/Harvard professor/Obama campaign star, and Sergio's fiancee were present at the panel to discuss the film and the legacy of Sergio. Baller.

Oh right, I'm a student. Can't believe that one year ago, I was one of these prefrosh, carrying around folders stuffed with schedules and coupons and nametags. What a crazy year it's been: prom, graduation, summer, DC, Korea... all in a year. I'm such a (lame student) happy person here. What a rambling, I think I might finally start that math pset...

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