Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Debriefing Baldiness: I did it 'cause I'm a woman!

[caption id="attachment_43" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="In an in-between stage when Sarah's dad's beard trimmer ran out of juice."][/caption]

Hello beautiful people!

Just going to post a short debrief because I didn't get to go too much into it last time.  The way it happened:

I was riding a bus to Philadelphia, and I just couldn't stop thinking about much I wanted to shave it.  Even though I kept thinking of the reasons why I shouldn't shave my head, I couldn't stop wondering what it'd be like.  And that's how I knew I was ready to shave my head, riding a stinky bus to Philadelphia around 10PM and feeling nauseous.

I think the biggest realization I made on that bus ride was: The only reason why I'm not shaving my head is because I'm worried about what people will think of me, which makes my hair a social crutch.  If people are going to judge me by my hair, then they are probably people I wouldn't care to be friends with anyway, and if I'm going to feel insecure without having my curtain of hair covering my face, then all the more reason to take this jump.  And most of all, if people are going to think I'm a lesbian or manly or not womanly enough, then they clearly don't know what a woman is.  My hair does not define my womanhood, my personality, or my identity.

My friend told me about an English teacher she had who also shaved her hair off.  I'm going to try to recreate the advice that her English teacher told her that she relayed to me:  All beautiful women should shave their hair off, or at least do something to make her not rely on her beauty.  Women don't realize how such a small thing like their hair can affect the way people think of you, interact with you, and how normalcy is so safe.

To end this blog post (I know I've been overly repetitive about my baldiness), I'm going to make a confession.  Ever since I've had this haircut, I've never felt so confident or attractive in my life.  It's such a powerful feeling!


  1. Dan Ping, you're amazingg
    work that updo!

  2. AHHH Dan Ping! You're amazing for being able to make this step, and so brave!
    I still can't believe you did it but I support you all the way! :)

  3. yo dan pingggg
    u ain't fierce. ur just a crackhead. IM JUST KIDDING. i love u!
    speaking of froyo, we should go get some one day.

  4. fierce, you're rockin' that do.
    looking forward to staying posted on your reflections and experiences with your renewed/jump-started confidence!

  5. you so fierce bebe!
